One Unique Baby Sleep Sack to Guarantee You More Shuteye

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Home » Blog Posts » One Unique Baby Sleep Sack to Guarantee You More Shuteye

If you’re here, you’re likely struggling with sleep deprivation and a baby who won’t settle despite using a traditional swaddle. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. That ever-so-annoying startle reflex makes swaddling a great idea, but it can be frustrating when your baby fights it and continues to wake themselves up. Many people turn to a traditional baby sleep sack; however, this offers no help in taming the startle reflex. Both choices offer many benefits to help your baby sleep; however, they are not a perfect solution. Luckily, there’s a product that actually works – the ‘Swaddle Up.’ It could be the perfect solution to your swaddling woes.

Venn diagram depicting the comparison of benefits for using a swaddle vs baby sleep sack and how the 'swaddle up' gives benefits of both

Why a Special Sleep Sack Vs. Sleep Training?

In the first few months of a baby’s life, implementing certain tactics, i.e., swaddling, sound machines, dream feeds, putting them to sleep drowsy, motion bassinets, etc., can hopefully help lengthen their stretches of sleep (if appropriate) before resorting to “sleep training.” Some sleep training methods are considered controversial and should only be used after the baby is at least four months old. Other various factors should also be considered beyond just age regarding sleep training.


Edgar and I recommend “The Ferber Method,” which worked wonders for our family. Meli was straightforward and only required a little work on our end. This method also ultimately helped Xander (and us) enjoy longer nights of sleep. My children have slept through the night (8:30 pm bedtime to 7:15 am wake-up time) since they were about six months old, with a midday nap. However, our main challenge was finding ways to help Xander sleep until he reached the age suitable for sleep training. That’s when we discovered the ‘Swaddle Up.’

Why not Traditional Swaddling?

The art of swaddling proved to be quite a challenge for Edgar and me. Despite our best efforts, Meli and Xander didn’t take to it. While it may seem easy at first, once babies wake up from the “labor coma” they undergo during the first week of life, swaddling can become a real struggle. Swaddling can be counterproductive or possibly unsafe for your baby if not done correctly. However, when done right, swaddling can be a helpful tool for getting your baby to sleep longer stretches.

Unfortunately for us, Meli and Xander managed to wriggle their way out of their swaddles like many babies. So, what do you do if this happens? Luckily, Meli was perfectly content with a typical baby sleep sack, but Xander required a different approach. Undoubtedly, Edgar and I struggled to find a solution to support Xander’s sleep position, in which he preferred to keep his arms up, thus further triggering the startle reflex.

Baby that has broken free from his swaddle
The best swaddle we could get with Xander. It was definitely a no go!
Baby sleeping while wearing a baby sleep sack and his arms are in the "above his head" position
Xander preferred the “arms above his head” position. He constantly startled himself awake with the sleep sack!

As a newborn and infant, Xander was difficult to please. He often displayed a grumpy demeanor with an overall discontented facial expression. Edgar and I still remember that stage with a sense of dread, especially since it coincided with the start of the COVID pandemic, and we also had a young toddler to care for. I can imagine many families were experiencing the same turmoil. We tried various methods to soothe Xander, with many being helpful, but the Swaddle Up stands out as the most effective technique.

A grumpy faced baby who is difficult to satisfy
Our cute little “grumpy old man” baby!

‘Swaddle Up’ Baby Sleep Sack is the Clear Winner 

At first, I was admittedly skeptical of the unique concept, especially since I was sleep deprived when I first discovered it. I even attempted to modify Xander’s sleep outfit to see if the approach would work for him. Although his altered sleep outfit worked initially, my modifications didn’t hold up. After becoming restless, it quickly fell apart. Not to mention, I was uncomfortable letting him sleep in it without my continuous observation.

Baby sleeping with a modified version of the 'swaddle up' using a baby sleep sack and rubber bands
My homemade version of the ‘Swaddle Up’. I can’t help but laugh at this now. What was I thinking?

Eventually, I realized I needed the real thing, so Edgar and I ordered the ‘Swaddle Up.’ After it arrived and we tried it out, we were amazed at how much it improved Xander’s swaddle adherence. Unlike traditional swaddles, he didn’t resist this one. It also aided in managing his startle reflex, which a typical baby sleep sack fails to do. Our crib visits decreased significantly after just a few nights. Although he still woke up during the night, this is entirely normal. The significant change was that he could calm himself and go back to sleep without any assistance most nights. Hallelujah! Taking everything into account, I decided to purchase another one as a backup in case it got soiled. Because, let’s face it, sleep is priceless when you’re not getting enough of it.

photo collage of a baby boy sleeping with a swaddle up on
Sleep baby sleep!

Transitioning From Swaddle Up to a Traditional Sleep Sack

I found transitioning from the ‘Swaddle Up’ to a standard baby sleep sack less stressful than anticipated. As with the traditional swaddle, the ‘Swaddle Up’ cannot be used once the baby shows signs of rolling over. However, this particular brand makes the shift smoother by allowing you to unzip one arm wing at a time before fully converting. It can’t get much easier than that!

We ended up transitioning Xander around five months. He had always been one of those babies that started the night on one side of their crib only to end up on the opposite end (as shown in the picture above)—but the time had come that he was getting closer to rolling onto his tummy. We were apprehensive about removing Xander’s primary sleep comfort measure since he had become very fond of it. We ultimately decided to make the switch all at once; surprisingly, Xander did not resist much, making the process easier for all of us.

Bottom Line on the ‘Swaddle Up

If you’re seeking a newborn sleep solution that offers the advantages of both a swaddle and a baby sleep sack, the ‘Swaddle Up’ is a perfect choice. It helps manage your baby’s startle reflex without limiting their movement. It also encourages self-soothing by keeping their hands near their mouth for convenient hand-sucking. Numerous parents, including us, have found the ‘Swaddle Up’ to be a lifesaver during those early months of newborn sleep struggles. Its value is indisputable in giving parents extra shuteye before being able to implement more permanent sleep-facilitating strategies, i.e., “sleep training” (if that is your cup of tea).

We hope you found this information helpful in your quest for more sleep during the early infant stage. We have more ideas, tips, and tricks to share regarding sleep and how to improve it in the first year of life. Please share your thoughts, questions, or experience with the ‘Swaddle Up’ in the comment section below. We would love to hear your feedback! Looking for fun DIY projects you can do with your older kiddos? Check out Super Simple DIY Dad for fun ideas!

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